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There comes a time in every boy's life when he starts to approach thirty, bills pile up on the table and his significant other secretly drives through the baby market. Then there's nothing left to do but get into a rusty car and, to the sound of a dying engine, speed away with the Union of naive tramping. A long-time member of the Union, a Mohican and mechanic, Adam, is experiencing these intricacies of life right now, so he called together his brotherhood of scrap metal and set off on another crazy expedition. This year's destination was nothing less than the luxurious Rivieras, beaches and casinos of southern Europe. Did the union members get rich in the whirlwind of Monaco's casinos? Did one of the union members become an unwanted father or was it all just one big slob again?

  • 2024
  • Český
  • 0 hrs 55 min